Our Non-Profit Organizers

An event the magnitude of Kempenfest could not be possible without the non-profit groups who organize and staff the festival. They are the heart and soul of Kempenfest, and sole beneficiaries of the funds raised through exhibitor fees, food sales, sponsorships, and so much more. And when we say they are the beneficiaries, it’s our community who benefits! Nearly every dollar raised at Kempenfest is poured back into the community through the hundreds of projects these groups support.

The Barrie Art Club was founded in 1949, in the city of Barrie, Ontario. Over the past half century it has grown into a vibrant community resource for artists, professional or amateur, and artists-at-heart.

Kiwanis is a Global Organization of Volunteers dedicated to Improvingthe World One Child and One Community at a time.

The Optimist Club of Barrie has been an active member of Kempenfest for many years. The club organizes the Optimist Antique Show featuring over 35 antique dealers. Funds raised through Kempenfest are used to support the club’s ongoing work with youth.

Rotary is where neighbors, friends, and problem-solvers share ideas, join leaders and take action to create lasting change. Our shared passion for service helps us accomplish the remarkable.

Empowering Local Business by fostering a vibrant and economically sustainable region that is driven by an innovative, successful and ever-expanding business community.

The Knights of Columbus are a Fraternal Organization of Catholic Men committed to Spiritual support of charities within their Community.